Livofy (formerly Keto India) Seen On Shark Tank!

Expert Diet Treatment

Our Protocols

Single | Couple
3 Month | 6 Months | 12 Months
Diabetes Reversed

Keto Diet Plans

Weightloss Diet Plans

PCOS Diet Plans

Thyroid Diet Plans

Diabetes Diet Plans

Check out some Delicious Recipes which you can cook at your Home and Improve your health

Gluten-Free Apple Crumble Recipe

Gluten-Free Apple Crumble Recipe


Baked Risotto Primavera

Sheet Pan Fajita

Sheet-Pan Chicken Fajitas

Instant Pot Chicken

Instant Pot Chicken Noodle Soup

Get yourself started on a Personalised Diet today!

Customers reviews



"Hi, I’m Nivedita Samal. I’m from Bangalore and I am working as a Manager here at a firm. It was about 3 months ago when I realized that my weight had hit a plateau and it wasn’t coming any down. I came to know about Livofy and they helped me with a Personalized Diet. 3 months down the lane, I have lost 10 kgs already. Well, it’s a long way to go and I can’t thank Livofy enough, for they believed that I could do this and kept me motivated throughout my journey."
Nivedita Samal
37 years Bangalore, India


"Hey, I’m Abhishek Popli and I’m a Delhi based Entrepreneur. I could hardly make room for working out in between my busy schedule which resulted in a huge weight gain. One day a family friend told me about Livofy and how they help people with a Diet. With their Personalised Diet, in 6 months I have been able to lose 30 kgs. It was a successful journey indeed and I’m so thankful to Livofy for it, it would have been impossible without you guys by my side! "
Abhishek Popli
27 years Delhi, India
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Chronic Ailments like Type 2 Diabetes, PCOS in women, Thyroid, and Weight Management are some of the common Healthcare Issues that we work with. 


The nutrition protocol that we provide you with is personalized basis your nutrition preferences and your health background so that it is doable, sustainable, and gets great results.


Don’t know what they are? Don’t worry. We’ll be explaining them all to you in our initial consultation call!


The diet treatment isn’t a replacement for medical advice but can be done along with the medication that your doctor has prescribed to you.

If you are not on any medication, you can still do this protocol.


We have Certified Healthcare Experts on our panel. They are certified from ISSA, IFSA, ACE, Lady Irwin College, and IGNOU. 


Yes, homemade food is best while incorporating a diet treatment. One can travel and attend social events, and still stick to the diet treatment, the support for the same will be provided by us. 


We will help you with receding from the diet treatment the right way and with a post diet protocol so that your results are sustainable.

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