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Foods to eat during Periods

Foods to eat during periods

Foods to eat during Period

Women start their menstrual cycle when they hit puberty. A normal cycle lasts between 24 and 38 days with the menstrual flow lasting between 5 to 8 days. The cycle also comes with menstrual pain or cramps that present itself in the pelvic or lower abdominal region. There are also other discomforting symptoms of periods such as irritation, back pain, depression, diarrhea, nausea, etc. irregularity of the cycle is also another major concern that women face. However, consumption of healthy meals and an overall nutritious diet plays a crucial role in reducing the symptoms during menstruation as well as keeping the cycle regular. Hydration is an important factor of health diet thus consuming watermelon and cucumber helps with hydration alongwith satiating the sweet cravings. The iron levels in the body fall short during periods which give ways to the feeling of dizziness, fatigue and pain. Leafy green vegetables like kale or spinach increase the iron and magnesium intake helping you with its deprivation during the cycle. Turmeric with its anti-inflammatory properties is known to reduce the symptoms of periods substantially. Below given blog dives deep into the various foods to eat during periods and how it can help ease the symptoms of the cycle along with maintaining its regularity. 

What to eat during periods?

Dietary changes are significantly known to manage period symptoms and maintain its regularity. As stated in the report of Office on Women’s Health, around 90% of the menstruating women deal with the difficulties and discomfort that occur during the menstrual flow. Foods that decrease inflammation are ideally considered helping in easing the menstrual cramps. Estrogen levels tend to reduce at the intake of a low-fat and high-fiber diet. This further assists in lowering hormone levels which in turn reduces the effect on uterine cells. High-fiber vegetables, beans, fruits, and whole grains significantly help in eliminating estrogens from the body. Fiber also helps in sedating menstrual cramps. Low-fat or vegan diets are also known to help with periods pain and PMS. Eating plenty of whole grains, vegetables, legumes and fruits which can reduce the symptoms as well as regulating it.  for women dealing with PCOD, incorporating PCOD Diet Chart can be crucially helpful.

20 Foods to eat during Periods

Periods are a natural phenomenon that comes with various symptoms of discomforts. Although the intensity and signs of the discomfort varies in every woman, it’s usual to experience low energy levels during menstruation. There isn’t much that one can do to avoid periods. However, there are certain remedies that can help avoid or suppress the symptoms of periods. Below listed are some of the foods to eat during periods to lower the risk of PMS and ease other discomforts of menstrual flow. 

  1. Fruits 
  2. Ginger
  3. Chicken
  4. Fish
  5. Leafy green vegetables
  6. Dark chocolate
  7. Water
  8. Flaxseed oil
  9. Lentils & Beans
  10. Peppermint Tea
  11. Turmeric
  12. Yogurt
  13. Quinoa 
  14. Kombucha
  15. Tofu
  16. Eggs 
  17. Oatmeal
  18. Salmon
  19. Nuts
  20. Strawberries

1. Fruits

Fruits that are rich in water like watermelon and cucumber are a great source of hydration, something that the body essentially requires during periods. The natural sugar present in these fruits also help satiate the sweet cravings that frequently occur during periods. Other fruits rich in Vitamin C like lemon and oranges are another great foods to eat during periods. Vitamin c assists in absorbing iron from the food and forward it to your bloodstream and tissues. This would put you out of your doubt for what should we eat during periods when it comes to fruits.  

2. Ginger

Ginger is known to have healing and anti-inflammatory properties that help reduce inflammation and reduce menstrual cramps. A 2016 study by the National Library of Medicine, mentioned the nausea controlling properties of ginger and how it can help reduce vomiting. Consume ginger by turning it into tea. Despite its wonderful properties, it is recommended to not take more than 4 gms of ginger in a day for it may give rise to stomach aches and heartburn. 

3. Chicken

The loss of blood during periods can lead to the reduction of iron levels in the body. To make up for this loss it is advised to consume iron-rich foods during periods. Chicken is a good source of iron. Thus, its consumption can increase the iron levels. Chicken is also an excellent source of protein, consumption of which enhances the overall health along with keeping one satiated for long. So eating chicken can be the answer to your doubt of what should we eat during periods. 

4. Fish

The contents of fish are affluent in iron, protein, and omega-3 fatty acids making it a nutritious addition to the diet. Consuming fish can spike the iron levels in the body which gets dipped during periods. The presence of omega 3 fatty acid in fishes help ease the pain induced by periods. A 2015 study by NCBI shed light on the abilities of omega-3 in treating depression. For those who experience mood swings and feelings of depression during periods can resort to fish as one of the best foods to eat during periods. 

5. Leafy green vegetables

Heavy menstrual flows can lead to reduction of iron levels in the body which can induce weakness, feeling of fatigue or dizziness. Leafy green vegetables like kale and spinach can elevate the iron levels in the body. Kale is also rich in calcium, deficiency of which can cause spasms and contractions in the body. Broccolis are another great foods to eat during periods that can fulfill the fiber and iron intake in your body keeping the menstrual pain and cramps at bay. 

6. Dark chocolate

The delicious dark chocolate is more than just that, the snack is crucially rich in iron and magnesium. The iron content of the chocolate helps ward off the excessive weakness and fatigue during menstruation. Whereas the magnesium content reduces the severity of cramps and menstrual pain. So when the sweet tooth calls, you know exactly what should we eat during periods. 

7. Water

Hydration, in general, is essential for the better working of many bodily functions. This is especially true during periods. Dehydration headaches is one of the most common symptoms of menstruation in women. Drinking plenty of water will fulfill one’s hydration needs and dodge of dehydration headaches. While we are fixated on choosing the right foods to eat during periods, one should also take care of their water needs. This would also help with preventing water retention and bloating. 

8. Flaxseed oil

Flaxseed oil is extracted from the seeds of a flax plant. Around 52.1g of omega 3 fatty acids are present in the 100g serving of flaxseed oil in the form of alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The presence of omega-3 can help suppress the severity of pain caused by menstruation. The element is also known to reduce depression which is another common symptom of menstruation alongside mood swings. Consumption of flaxseed oil is also known to help with constipation which is another issue that menstruating women face. 

9. Lentils & Beans

Protein is an essential nutrient that our body requires for the overall enhancement of health alongwith to keep us satiated for longer duration. For those who don’t consume chicken or non-vegetarian items can resort to lentils and beans for their protein intake. These delights are also a great source of iron, the levels of which dip during periods. If you are vegetarian or vegan, lentils and beans are what to eat during periods. 

10. Peppermint Tea

Talking of the foods to eat during periods, warm beverages are some of the best options as they hold within themselves soothing properties. Peppermint tea is one of those beverages which can provide a soothing effect as well as relieve menstrual cramps, diarrhea or nausea.  

11. Turmeric

Curcumin is one of the active ingredients found in turmeric and that is known to help reduce the severity of symptoms and also alleviate the pain induced by menstrual cramps. Turmeric also holds anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the inflammation in the body.  

12. Yogurt

Dairy products like yogurt are rich in calcium which can help keep muscle spasms during periods at bay. The probiotics present in yogurt also keeps vaginal health at par warding off the risks of yeast infections during or post-menstruation. The cooling properties of the yogurt helps cool down the body. Thus yogurt is one of the best choices when it comes to foods to eat during periods. 

13. Quinoa 

The content of Quinoa is rich in many essential nutrients such as iron, protein and magnesium. The gluten-free quality of the food item also makes it a great choice for people struggling with celiac disease. The GI of Quinoa is 53, making a low glycemic food which would promote satiety and keep one energised for long. 

14. Kombucha

Like yogurt, kombucha is another great probiotic-rich food that possesses yeast-fighting benefits. For those who do not prefer dairy, they can resort to Kombucha tea as an excellent alternative. Kombucha is one of the best foods to eat during periods as it holds the restoration balance of hormones and digestive system. It also acts as a detoxifying agent and promotes reproductive health. However, it is highly recommended to avoid kombucha drinks with too much sugar content in them. 

15. Tofu

One of the best vegan food items made out of soybean has wonderful nutritional value and is a great addition to a healthy diet. Excess of estrogen in the body often leads to breast tenderness and bloating in women during the time of menstruation. Soy-based foods contain isoflavones which have the property to bind to estrogen receptors and keep the menstrual symptoms at bay. Tofu is also rich in other essential nutrients such as iron, magnesium, and calcium which provides the body with the necessary nourishment and energy it needs during periods. Now when the question of what should we eat during periods strikes, you would know the answer for the same. 

16. Eggs 

One of the best sources of whole protein, eggs can work wonders for providing the body with essential nutrients during menstruation. The affluent presence of iron, fat-soluble nutrients, B vitamins, essential fatty acids, and protein make eggs a great supplement to diet during periods as it helps to make one feel fuller. There’s 13g of protein in 100g of egg, which is healthier for the body in strengthening the muscles and repairing the tissues. 

17. Oatmeal

The whole grain, oats, is abundantly rich in calcium and vitamins A and B as well in iron. The loss of iron from the body can be compensated with the intake of oatmeal. The consumption of iron is known to have lessened the risks and intensity of PMS symptoms. The fiber content in the food is also helpful in promoting satiety and in improving digestion, making it a great meal for an upset stomach during periods. What to eat during periods shouldn’t be that big of a complexity anymore. 

18. Salmon

Fishes are a great source of healthy fats as well as protein, iron and many other vitamins and minerals which can help the body heal and nourish better during periods. The oily fish salmon is rich in omega-3 fatty acid. They also have excellent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties that help in providing relief to the uterus and reduce cramps. Instead of asking what should we eat during periods, make yourself some grilled salmon and provide your body with healthy nutrients. 

19. Nuts

The content of omega 3 fatty acid and protein in nuts is considerably rich which will promote fullness in the body and keep the frequent cravings during periods at bay. The delicacy is also a great source of various calciums and magnesium that can enrich the body during menstruation and provide help with fighting cramps. For those asking what to eat during periods, try your hands at nuts mixing it with butter or anything healthier. 

20. Strawberries

Tired of the continuous doubt of what we should eat during periods? Well, not anymore. The delightful addition to smoothies or pancakes, strawberries are more than just a tasty fruit. They are exponentially rich in vitamins and minerals that supports the proper functioning of the brain, shields body cells and elevates mood. The fruit also has high levels of antioxidants which helps manage menstrual cramps as well as reducing oxidative stress. 

Foods to avoid During periods 

Consumption of certain foods can help reduce the pain during menstruation as well as keep the cycle regular. However there are also foods that should be avoided during periods as they can elevate the symptoms and intensity of pain. Caffeine, too much sugary or spicy foods, alcohol, foods you are intolerant towards are some of the foods to avoid during periods as they worsen the menstruation symptoms. 

High sodium foods
Consumption of salt or salty food items are recommended to be restricted during periods. As the sodium-rich foods leads to bloating in the stomach, water retention or even edema. 

Sugary Items
Intaking sugary items is alright as long as it’s down in moderation. Too much sugar can lead to a sudden surge of energy spike in the body. This disbalance can only worsen the mood swings or may even elevate the feeling of depression and anxiety. It’s suggested to monitor your sugar intake to balance the symptoms of mood flings. 

Caffeine is known to promote water retention further giving way to bloating. It can also give rise to headaches. Thus, excessive consumption of tea or coffee is suggested to be avoided while on your periods. However, people who are used to intaking coffee dosages daily should be careful about cutting off its intake altogether as that too can lead to headaches. In some cases, caffeine can also be the cause of digestive issues. So, if you show symptoms of diarrhea, coffee is one of the foods to avoid during periods. 

Spicy foods have been observed to give stomach issues to some women during menstrual flow, leading to diarrhea, stomach pain or nausea. If you are not someone with spice tolerance and don’t usually indulge in eating spicy-rich foods, spicy foods are another of the foods to avoid during periods. 

Red meat
The body produces the compounds called prostaglandins during periods which helps the uterus to contract and break the inner lining that eventually leads to menstrual flow. Red meat is high in prostaglandins and excess of this compound can escalate menstrual cramps. Thus, consumption of red meat is one of the foods to avoid during periods. Red meat is one of the foods to avoid during periods. 

Benefits of eating these foods during periods

There are multiple benefits of eating certain foods during periods which can help with reduction of PMS and regularize the flow. Food items rich in iron, Vitamins, essential fatty acids, proteins and fat-soluble nutrients are some of the excellent foods to eat during periods. Fruits, leafy green veggies, eggs, oats, etc., are foods that can help suppress the symptoms of menstruation. If you are still wondering what to eat during periods, below mentioned are some of the health benefits of certain foods to eat during periods. 

  1. Reduces Inflammation
  2. Alleviates menstrual pain
  3. Helps with mood swings
  4. Curbs cravings
  5. Relaxes nerves and uterus
  6. Promote healthy cycle

1. Reduces Inflammation
Menstruation can often promote inflammation in the body which can lead to worsening of the periods pain.  Foods that are rich in Omega 3 fatty such as salmon, tuna, sardines, oysters, walnuts, chia and flax seeds acids have anti-inflammatory properties which can reduce the inflammation and further alleviate some of the pain caused by PMS. Minimizing stress, getting proper sleep or avoiding alcohol are other helpful habits that one can adopt in order to reduce the symptoms of inflammation. The presence of the enzyme called bromelain in pineapple also helps in reducing inflammation in the body. 

2. Alleviates menstrual pain
Foods rich in fiber and vitamin C are some of the foods to eat during periods as it helps in alleviating the menstrual pain. Banana and broccoli are rich in fiber and iron content that can help alleviate menstrual pain. Vitamin C helps the body to absorb iron from the food and transfer it to your bloodstream and tissues. Lemons and oranges are some of the great foods to eat during periods as they are rich in Vitamin C as well as also help in reducing muscle spasms and menstrual cramps.  

3. Helps with mood swings
Limiting salt and caffeine is usually recommended during periods to keep the moodiness in control. Leafy green veggies like kale, turnip greens or Swiss chard are rich in iron and vitamin B that help keep fatigue at bay. Consumption of calcium is also linked with elevation of mood. Intake of dairy products rich in calcium like yogurt, milk, soy products and low-fat cheese or even calcium supplements can substantially help with warding off mood swings. 

4. Curbs cravings
The cravings during periods are constant and that is something a lot of women deal with. It is recommended to consume high carb foods like beans and lentils, brown rice, and oats which can boost the serotonin level and make one feel better for longer duration. Some of the healthy ways to satiate your sugar cravings is consumption of smoothies, fruit, yogurt and apple slices dipped with honey. 

5. Relaxes nerves and uterus
A lot of our questions dwell with what should we eat during periods. Foods that help in relaxing the nerves and uterus are foods to eat during periods to ease the rising symptoms during the time. Foods rich in magnesium such as bananas and some of the leafy greens can help bring some relief to your muscles as well as the uterus. Chamomile tea is believed to be  a kryptonite when it comes to relaxing of nerves and uterus during periods. This soothing drink can also reduce the menstrual cramps as well as help with lowering stress and anxiety. 

6. Promote healthy cycle
Certain foods like papaya contain carotene that help promote estrogen levels in the body which further assist with uterus contraction. The rich content of folic acid, amino acids, salicylic acid, and Vitamins A, C, E & B12 in aloe vera makes it amongst the excellent foods to eat during periods as it helps in regularizing the flow.  To keep better track of your period cycle, try Periods Calculator

How to add Periods Foods in your diet?

During the menstrual flow, it’s not uncommon for women to feel discomfort, pain, mood swings, cramps and other dilemmas. Now that you are aware of what to eat during periods and what to avoid, let’s delve into certain recipes that you can accommodate into your diet. These recipes such as ginger tea, ajwain water, spinach dal are some of the food dishes that can help depart various health benefits and reduce the menstrual cramps. Below mentioned are some of the foods to eat during periods.

  1. Ginger tea
  2. Smoothies
  3. Jaggery Ladoo
  4. Sabudana Khichdi 
  5. Gajar ka Halwa

1. Ginger tea

Ginger holds within its sphere amazing anti-inflammatory properties which can help suppress the pain and discomfort that occurs during periods. Ginger tea is a natural and one of the healthiest remedies to relieve yourself from menstrual cramps. The phenomenal beverage is also helpful in improving digestion and suppressing nauseous, which are another symptoms of periods. 

2. Smoothies

Smoothies are another tastier and healthy choice of foods to eat during periods. Apple and spinach smoothies are rich in iron and magnesium that provide necessary nourishment to the body during periods along with warding off fatigue and menstrual cramps. Making smoothies out of vegetables and fruits that are high in fiber and iron content will keep the tiredness of periods at bay. Magnesium rich foods are also known to relax muscles in the body including that of the uterus. 

3. Jaggery Ladoo

Jaggery is most commonly popular for its amazing health benefits. It is often used as a healthy substitute for sugar. The item is rich in essential nutrients such as iron, calcium, and potassium, making it a great tool to satiate your sweet craving during periods. The ajggery can be turned into ladoos by adding a good mix of ghee, dry fruits and nuts in it. The anti-inflammatory properties of jaggery help alleviate pain and inflammation in the body. Now when the cravings strike, you know exactly what to eat during periods.  

4. Sabudana Khichdi 

Sabudana, also known as Tapioca pearl contains a considerable amount of carbohydrates that provides the body with energy and also helps in making one feel full. Thus, adding sabudana to your diet is a healthy choice. You can also mold the item into khichdi by adding in it potatoes, peanuts, and spices. Peanuts are an excellent source of protein and healthy fats. All of the elements together can provide the body with nutrition, sustained energy and suppress appetite during periods. Sabudana khichdi is one of the most wholesome foods to eat during periods. 

5. Gajar ka Halwa

Carrots are an excellent source of Vitamin A that has the properties to reduce inflammation as well as promote skin and hair health. To make the nutrition more interesting, turn the carrot into halwa. Gajar ka halwa can be a delicious way to fill your body with the benefits of Vitamin A, iron and calcium that would reduce inflammation, fatigue and promote overall health. 

Expert Review on Foods to Eat during Periods

The crippling pain and discomfort observed in periods can be the bane of existence for a lot of women. A lot of women stumble with the question of what to eat during periods. Although one can’t do much to avoid periods, the risk of symptoms and uneasiness can be reduced to a great extent with proper hydration and a good diet. Foods that can help reduce inflammation are highly recommended during periods such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds. A low-fat, high-fiber diet can significantly reduce estrogen levels which can reduce the risks of PMS symptoms and help with a bundle of pain that are associated with periods. For the cravings, one can resort to foods rich in protein and fiber such as eggs, chicken or tofu. Leafy green veggies are also a healthy addition to the diet as they are rich in iron and iron deficiency is common during menstruation due to the blood loss. You can add these food items to your diets by turning them into delicious recipes, like making smoothies or tea out of them. 


Allué, José. n.d. “The Effectiveness of Ginger in the Prevention of Nausea and Vomiting during Pregnancy and Chemotherapy.” NCBI. Accessed January 19, 2024.

“Omega-3 fatty acids and the treatment of depression: a review of scientific evidence.” n.d. NCBI. Accessed January 19, 2024.

“Relationship between Diet, Menstrual Pain and other Menstrual Characteristics among Spanish Students.” 2020. NCBI.


1. What is best food during periods? 

Foods that reduce inflammation, have high levels of antioxidants, rich in fiber, protein, vitamins, magnesium, iron and other important minerals are considered the best during periods. These include, leafy green vegetables, fish, eggs, chicken, yogurt and low GI fruits. 

2. Which food is good for correct periods? 

There is a considerable number of women who dwell on what should we eat during periods to have a healthy and regular cycle. Foods that support estrogen levels are the ones that support the regular cycle. Foods like papaya, pineapple, carom seeds, aloe vera, cinnamon or fennels are great choices that promote a healthy menstrual cycle. 

3. What can I eat during eating period? 

If you always ask yourself what should we eat during periods, we are here to clear your doubts. You can eat foods that have low fat and high fiber as it helps in reducing the estrogen levels in the blood which can keep the menstrual cramps at bay. Soy-rich foods, water-rich fruits, ginger tea are all great addition to your diet while on periods. 

4. What foods support periods? 

Often women go through the doubt of what to eat during periods? Well, we are here to put you out of your doubt. Vitamin C rich foods like oranges, lemon, kiwi and mangoes or ginger, turmeric, jaggery, beetroots are all a great addition to the diet as they can provide relief for the periods cramps along with reducing other period-related symptoms. 

5. Can I drink milk on my period? 

Milk makes for a balanced diet as it’s a wholesome drink rich in various essential nutrients. It can help alleviate pain and discomfort during periods along with reducing the periods cramps. Consuming milk is good for the overall growth of one’s health. They can also help with mood swings by improving your mood. Now you have the perfect answer for what should we eat during periods. 

6. What foods reduce period pain?

It can be frustrating to figure out what to eat during periods that can actually help reduce period pain. Ginger substantially helps reduce inflammation and reliefs period cramps. One can accommodate it into their diet by making ginger tea. Other foods that help reduce period pain are dark chocolate, turmeric, pineapple or salmon.

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